yay love your work.
king of da hill :D.
you deserved it.
don't look at the people who said: you don't deserve it blablabla.
there just some 8 year old children who want to be king.
but they aren't and thats the best of all.
cause the king deserves to be king or else he or she shouldn't be king.
if ya know what I mean.
and you deserved it.
be happy and celebrate :D
Congratulations, you really deserve the award! You've worked hard and continued to satisfy and impress viewers across Youtube and Newgrounds. You've got a talent, and the higher ups can see that. And don't bother with the ignorant, hating naysayers, they need to grow up and get a life.
First of all, as I've said in a past comment, sprite videos are there for the ones who want to watch and enjoy them; the same for hand-drawn animations. You don't have to watch them at all. It's a form of entertainment, not a goddamned bitch-whine-and-hate booth. If you don't like a form of art, then avoid it and don't insult an author for it. Judge quality, not style.
Second, think first, never hate on anybody's hobby. If they enjoy doing something for fun, that's their business (except in cases of murder or abuse of others or one's self), not yours. You should never trudge upon that territory, it's their choice to like that hobby; not yours to tell them not to enjoy it or do it in the first place.
And third, everybody is entitled to an opinion, but this is getting out of hand. This is a disservice to authors who pride themselves in a specific style, and they're insulted without reason for using that style. Especially, when they service users across a community and work hard to do so, even when they have little time for it and can squeeze it in. Most of all, it's completely unfair to people like Hadouken_Dude who have earned and deserve their rep and people try to destroy it.
Personally, I believe the flash portal should be divided into two sections: sprite flash and drawn flash animations. Then from there, into sub-sections for the different genres. And with that system, viewers have permissions for both sections. If they misbehave and insult a sprite video or drawn animations for the style itself continuously, then they should be banned from that section of the portal for a time till they either clean up their act, or be banned permanently if they refuse to. The conduct of this shouldn't be tolerated, and it should be handled by the mods of the site.
Anyway, I can't wait to see FSMA 7. I loved FSMA 6 for the quality and the humor, as I have with the series. Episode 6, is by far the best yet; and I hope that episode 7 is even better. I look forward to it in the near future.
~You don't disappoint