you can also visit me on Twitter: @victorfioriHD. Some of my popular flashes are now available on youtube.com/@VicHD. I'm also on Patreon! Enjoy Ep. 11
Ep.12 coming soon.

Victor Fiori @VicHD

Age 40, Male

Telecom Engineer

Caracas, Venezuela

Joined on 1/9/03

Exp Points:
5,261 / 5,380
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Vote Power:
6.40 votes
Police Sergeant
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B/P Bonus:
11m 30d


Can't wait to see the next eps. come. Actually, it's sorta true what you said. There are animators out there who made things from maybe, 2003 or 2004 that make stuff like this. Then: Funny. Now: Crap.

Hey dude, this is more of a question then a comment but I watch all of your flashes and I enjoy every one, and I got to thinking if I should make my own Four Swords videos! I'm kinda basing them on your video's (Same sprites same story etc...) And I feel that you kinda own the whole "four swords" thing and I'd feel bad doing one and then you getting mad or something about me copying you and stuff. So this may seem kinda unecessary but I'd like your permission. Also if you find it ok I have a question that I feel you could answer... in general how do you sprite what equiptment would you need? I have some sprites and a great script set up but I cannot for the life of me find out how to sprite. P.S. if you feel that I am kinda stealing your idea please PM me anyways so I can change it? Thanks!

I created the Four Swords parody idea, that doesn't mean that I own the characters. The story itself is the only thing that I truly came up with. Feel free to come up with your own version of four swords if you like. I don't mind others doing it as long as the story is well written and the animation is done right. As for animating sprites, it's all done in adobe flash. If you want to learn how it's done, visit the flash tutorials link in the bottom of the flash portal page.

Doesn't everything you have done times ago, seem somewhat embarrasing, and you think: I could have done this better? It's just a part of the past, and I myself have made some pretty weird stuff over the years. It just stays the same, as you develop, just like growing up. So you shouldn't be too emberrased about it.

But then, an artist is his own biggest fan and critic.

Its time for you to come up with a SF flash movie now :D

I don't see how you could regret making any of your flashes. I think they're all funny. Your "Hey Ya" flash is very funny, just because people don't think it's that great doesn't mean it's bad, it may not be at the very Top anymore but it's still funny. Your Mk Mishaps and Four Swords Misadventures my favorites because I am very fond of the video games, I love Mortal Kombat and the Zelda series.

dude, never hate one of your projects, is like hating one of your sons
the older one are just experiments, your recent projects came from those previus tries

Entiendo lo que quieres decirme mi pana, pero a veces no es facil sentirse orgulloso de un proyecto cuando, por ejemplo, otros piensan que tu como autor eres una mierda.
A veces las criticas son constructivas, pero otros abusan el hecho con sus criticas negativas y me ha pasado bastante aqui en NG. No puedo complacer a todos los usuarios, eso es imposible, pero si aprecio a los que me han apoyado desde que comenze con flash en el 2004.

es cierto que no puedes complacer a todos, hace tiempo escribi un post que estaba arrecho que por todos los medios trate de que sonata arctica me diera una respuesta sobre mi animación "Dream Thieves" y absolutamente nada, pero sabes que consegui? mensajes de personas que se volvieron fanaticos del grupo simplemente por ese video, y me di cuenta que no le llegue a las personas que buscaba pero si a muchas más personas, que pase de ser un simple desconocido a ser la persona que los introdujo a una nueva banda y eso se siente del carajo

tu tienes un monton de fanaticos hasta fuera de NG por tu serie FSM y MK MISHAPS y esta gente hace seguimiento de tus futuras obras y siempre te van a dar tu apoyo. es cierto que no vas a complacer a todas las audiencias, pero existe una cantidad de gente que estara esperando impacientemente tu proxima producción. Asi que pa´lante se ha dicho

WTF did this guy above me just say?!

Yo dude if I may.

Like you said, you mess around and look for things that work, I was near the time you made that, and hell I thought it was great. So if wasn't like you other flash videos; we ain't no perfect race. (Pardon the double negative, I'm too redneck to even care 'bout grammar these days.) But you can never, ever, let someone drag you down and feel bad about yourself if you don't let them. For an example, when you try to learn how to walk instead of crawl, you don't just walk proud and tall, (Well, short sense we were just babes, but you know what the metaphor means.) you more than likely end up bumping into everything and falling flat on your ass or face. That's the same for everything we start to do, and if someone takes the time to point out something bad that you did, well they're just insulting theirselves. What others might view as fail, many view as success, because if we learn and progress from what we do; in the end we don't really fail, mess up, or end up looking like idiots. It's the bad that makes the great shine, like they always say, "You can't enjoy sunny days without rainy ones."

And from my opinion, all your flashes don't suck or have qualitly issues, given how they were made, when, and your skill back then; they were great.

~End random post that probably is completely off topic to the majority of your rant since I directed this only to the part you knacked on your own self ;P.

Im need you to make 4 swords misadventures 7 soon im begging you pppppppppppppppppppppppppppllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssse eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok good its my fav show so hurry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is because they are noobs. They think that if somebody has one nowadays quality flash, all have to be. For instance, take the perfect kirby series. It us to be one of the funniest flash series around back then. But now, noobs from this time watch and think it's bad, while they didn't even check the date it was submitted. So don't worry if you see some noob complaining about your old flashes. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll watch some FSMA now.