HadoukenDude: Un animador de la puta madre :D
Viva Caracas!
you can also visit me on Twitter: @victorfioriHD. Some of my popular flashes are now available on youtube.com/@VicHD. I'm also on Patreon! Enjoy Ep. 11
Ep.12 coming soon.
Age 40, Male
Telecom Engineer
Caracas, Venezuela
Joined on 1/9/03
HadoukenDude: Un animador de la puta madre :D
Viva Caracas!
Gracias! W00t!
Nojoda al fin subimos esta pelicula del coño ^^
Thanks for working with me on that MGS part, im a fan of your movies, im waitning for the next 4Swords
Si, coño al fin! XD
De nada mi pana. Si me necesitas para otra cosa me avisas.
Woo, congrats on your first collab!
I hope that episode 5 of Four Swords will be out soon, because it rocks.
Nice work, homie.
very nice make us proud little animater dude! ooo and also i wanted to know is kagome actually a girl name kagome?...or is it a guy with a voice box...cauuuse i don't wanna get a crush on a guy.....too creepy but the voice is cute...yeaaa so uh...yea hurry up
Yes, the VA who plays Zelda is really a girl. She is known as KagomeHigurashi here in NG (Rina-Chan in other sites), but her real name is Kira. you can visit her at myspace here: www.myspace.com/trueinnersakura .
hey man how u doing? I know a ot of people ask u this but... DUDE Please don't make me wait more for the new Four Swords Misadventures I loved every single one of then specialy the 4th one =(
I luaghed so hard on the sprit TV that was so good!! Gratz man
I can't wait for the next episode of 4 swords misadventures.