you can also visit me on Twitter: @victorfioriHD. Some of my popular flashes are now available on youtube.com/@VicHD. I'm also on Patreon! Enjoy Ep. 11
Ep.12 coming soon.

Victor Fiori @VicHD

Age 40, Male

Telecom Engineer

Caracas, Venezuela

Joined on 1/9/03

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How long is "too long"?

Posted by VicHD - June 28th, 2008

You know, ever since I started working on my Four Swords series, my flashes have been getting progressively longer over time. Now I'm starting to question myself about how long an episode should be. I mean, when I made ep.4 I kept getting complaints that it was "too short" when it was barely over the 10 minute mark.

After reading these comments, I decided to work on longer episodes this time around. I wrote a long 3-part story arc which is basically counts as "one huge episode". This is why part 5 was nearly 16 minutes in length. Yes, I got carried away. I was having too much fun writing all this down. HOWEVER, after releasing ep. 5, I've been getting complaints that it's "too long".

I made part 5 longer than usual because fans wanted more and I decided to give them "more", even if it meant an additional 5or 6 minutes of story. Now some users are telling me that sometimes more isn't always better. Can you people make up your freakin' minds already?

It would be of big help if you guys would tell me how long an actual episode should be. This won't affect the length of the future 2 episodes currently in development, I'm only curious to know how much time does it take me to keep a user fully entertained.

I don't know if it's either that or style over substance, in other words, focusing more on story writing instead of the length. I need a clear answer here.

What do you think?


i would say that over 15 is too long but under 7 is too short. thats what i think

you should maybe make 10 minutes on each part. that seems long enough an not that short.

If one gets bored during the 'toon, it's too long. That's the only measurement I really consider to be important. If it's entertaining the whole way through, the only limit is the file size (but if you want to have a two-hour Flash, you'd better have a scene selection option).

one problem is someone who's enjoying the story and then a "right on next ep of _____________" appears, that's short...
and the other problem is someone who is really into the movie, then it keeps going till the con are in much larger number than the pros, this person will say it's too long

it doesn't matter if it's 2 minutes or 2 hours long, if it's really good it's never going to be short or long (:

btw: the four swords is just perfect, keep up the good work

I think a good Range of Minutes for a Flash is

3 Minutes - 8 Minutes

3 is good if it's a short story with a cute little morale.
8 if it's a developed storyline.

Anything above 8 minutes usually gets corny and makes me not want to watch anymore.

What people judge an animation on, in my opinion is not about the length but how well it captures ones attention, If it is lengthy and boring no one is going to want to sit through it, if it is good but to short then pay no attention to the comments you will still have fans, who cares if they aren't satisfied with length! Do whatever makes you feel comfortable and only use feed back to help you improve not dictate how you are going to proceed in making your aniamtions. Ignore the fact that what i just wrote is an allusion to sex as well. HA GL!

"who cares if they aren't satisfied with length! "
Interesting observation. It's not the size that counts, but how you use it.

Heh, I love a good double entendre :P

Thanks for the comment.

i think that 5 minutes is a good time for a flash movie, maybe 6 or 7
but i think that a good story can be done in 6 minutes

i liked the last episode of FSM, maybe a bit long but is funny to watch ^^

Nothing is too long. As long as the flash is entertaining (and your flashes are always entertaining), the longer the better. There's your clear answer.

My opinion is that a Flash Movie can never be too long.
As long as it has a scene selection

I personally don't care if they are too long or short your flashes rule, and they are some of my favorites!

im not much of a complainer im just about satisfied even if its too long or too short what matters is that the next episode is released i think thats what matters the most releasing the episodes are pretty important just make your flashes how long you want not like theyre going to ban you from newgrounds or something

Hey Hadouken, for me I don't care how long or how short it is, as long as you make them, it's fine for me. Keep them coming and I will be supporting you.

Hadouken_Dude, flash movies are never "too long." In fact, I think that 15 minutes is really good. Those people who say it's too long are either big picky little jerks, or the series can easily be solved by making a scene selection part of the flash. That way, if a person doesn't have time to finish it, or if he or she just wants to see a part, then such will happen and no complaints. HOPEFULLY none, to be exact, but way less than anything about legth. That way, you could delay it so it's as long as a movie in a theatre.

Okay, maybe not THAT, but you see the point I'm making, right? Good luck on the rest of the series.

This series has developed a scene selection menu since episode 3.
Apparently, even with a scene selection, some can't stand to sit through a 13 + minute flash.
Oh well.

It depends on the type of movie you're making, mow many frames per second, and how big. Then again, I haven't completed any flash movies yet.

thats messed up manthen make it 13 minutes long

an animation is never to long

You said 10 was 'too short' to people, and 16 was 'too long' so maybe you ought to go with 12 - 14 minutes.

Style over substance.

Don't think about how long it will be. Just write it.

However, if it starts to get to 10 or 12 or more minutes, you might be good off considering breaking it in to parts, if it's not inconvenient to the story.

It's your work. How long or short they are is up to you, not us.

well i beleive a movie should be based on how good your other ones are so if you are a great flash creator you can make it really long but if you over did yourself on time then people will get to bored and if you under did yourself then people complain about it being short and it also depends on how good the episode is so with your talent i beleive you can do up to 18 minutes but try not to go under 5 unless it is a realy great flash and in final episodes you can sometimes make it even a mind blowing 30 minutes but it has to be realy good

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