Over the years, I've made a decent amount of flashes. But during a certain time you start to realize that some projects don't have the same charm as they used to back in the day. Let me explain this from my POV, When you're a flash author, musician or a guy working on any other project, one tends to experiment a lot with different ideas. Some are good, some are bad and sometimes some are overwhelmingly popular. Now, when the third option tends to pop up, you sometimes regret making something so popular.In short what I'm trying to say in this post is that most of the stuff that I made between early 2004 and mid 2005, as popular as they were, are now, well... crappy and somewhat embarrassing. Yes, I know everyone goes through a developmental part in their hobby/career, but there are times that one wants to be remembered for another project rather than your earlier works.
Take for example one of my earliest flashes: "Hey ya! VG style!" it was a random experiment I made in 5 days involving repetitive sprites dancing to the Tune of "Hey Ya" by Outkast. Back then, what I made was innovative (kind of), it was different, it was catchy, it got everyone's attention and to this day it's still one of my most viewed flashes reaching over 750k views. However, after a few years pass, one starts to look back at his/her work and read its reviews and realize how lame and embarrassing it is nowadays.
It's kind of hard to explain sometimes. it's like, based on the negative criticism the flash has gotten over the years, you feel forced to hate your own creation. That's how I feel with "Hey ya" right now. I now officially hate the song and regret making such a weird flash... And it's all thanks to the haters themselves who just had to leave insulting remarks about it. Same goes with my other earlier projects. But in my defense, I was a noob and I only made that stuff for fun. I never meant to offend anyone with my animations.
Now with all that aside, the flashes that I'm truly proud of right now are my MK Mishaps and Four Swords flashes (excluding the original FSM pilot). These flashes are the only ones that seem to stand out above the rest of my animations for some reason. I can't really point it out, but these flashes tend to have such a high replay value and I sometimes find myself watching and enjoying my own creations that were able to make others crack a smile or just plain out ROFLMAO, if you know what I mean. This is the type of stuff that I'm thankful for nowadays, Especially on youtube where most of my works have somewhat of a cult following, despite most youtubers not knowing that I made that stuff.
Looking back after all this, I still remain optimistic with any future projects that come to mind whether it be a series, a music video or a handful of random gags, etc. I'm still looking forward to entertaining my audience. Hopefully I'll come up with something mindblowing sometime soon. and Why not? Maybe experiment with something original at some point. Only time will tell.
Well, I guess that's enough for this month's rant, keep an eye out for my future installments of MK Mishaps and Four Swords Misadventures. Maybe at some point I'll come up with something new as well.
Til next time.
Can't wait to see the next eps. come. Actually, it's sorta true what you said. There are animators out there who made things from maybe, 2003 or 2004 that make stuff like this. Then: Funny. Now: Crap.