Over the past few months I kept noticing reviews in and out of Newgrounds saying that my FSM series is "underrated". If people really think that way, I don't mind at all. In fact, I actually have to agree with those comments. However, I've also noticed over time that I'm losing my audience for some reason and I find this very odd.
I mean, I dedicate my time to develop the story the way I want it and entertain my audience. Fans ask for more episodes and I give them more. However, every time I make a new episode, it gets even less views than the previous one and I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. If people supposedly like this series, then why are less people viewing the latest ones? Do viewers really have short attention spans these days or are users rejecting it cause it's a "sprite movie"? I don't want to get into that topic all over again... it blew up in my face twice before.
Let me give you a clear example of what I'm talking about: if I compare the views from ep. 5 and ep. 6 respectively, It's clearly noticeable that roughly 103,000 viewers either missed out or wasn't interested in episode 6. Seriously, so much demand for new episodes and in the end I'm busting my ass for nothing? What the hell? People ask for more, I give them more, but I get less in return. It doesn't seem fair, does it?
Just to point this out, I'm not the kind of person to make weekly or monthly episodes, even if I wanted to. I don't have the time for that, considering the fact that I'm studying for a career in telecommunications and that itself is time consuming. That and sharing a computer with 4 other family members can be a total pain in the ass sometimes, but there's not much I can do about it.
As for ep 7 well, I'm still developing it and I want to have it ready before the end of the year, but I fear it might end up sharing the same fate as ep. 6: critically acclaimed, yet completely overlooked. I'm not really sure what will happen with this one.
Overall, I sometimes feel disappointed and maybe even a little frustrated by this. I don't know whether to continue the story or let it phase out unfinished into oblivion like other flashes have over the years, but if you guys REALLY want this series to continue, spread the word about it. People are really missing out on something interesting here and I don't want to let all this effort go to waste.
I don't think Ep6 was on the frontpage which would of had a huge effect on the views, but anyways I don't think it's an attention span problem, but the problem is with people tending to forget about the upcoming movie or even what happened in the series after a long period of time. Maybe post teasers or trailers of Misadventures or even short Misadventures animations. Just to refresh people's minds about Misadventures. But I'm no expert at this, these are just suggestions.
Hey man. I understand what you're saying here, but If I remember correctly, FSM 6 was on the front page for about a week and it only got 100k views at the time until it was replaced by another flash.
As for posting teasers and trailers for the episodes, I did that on youtube too. Twice with ep. 6 and once with ep 7. It didn't really help much for ep. 6 though, but I'll think about posting another clip for the upcoming episode.
Thanks for commenting.