you can also visit me on Twitter: @victorfioriHD. Some of my popular flashes are now available on youtube.com/@VicHD. I'm also on Patreon! Enjoy Ep. 11
Ep.12 coming soon.

Victor Fiori @VicHD

Age 40, Male

Telecom Engineer

Caracas, Venezuela

Joined on 1/9/03

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Users Faking their age

Posted by VicHD - November 18th, 2007

OK, this might seem like a random rant, but it seems very common these days.

I'm noticing that most users here (as well as in youtube and other sites) are pretending to be older when they're really not.

for example: a new user asks me if he or she can be a part of a flash project. Most of the time when this happens, I check their user pages just to see who they are, what they've made, what are their favorite flashes, and finally they say that they're over 18. However, I later find a random quote of the same user saying: "actually I'm 11, LOL".
This annoys me sometimes...

I understand that the internet is full of underage noobs these days and that boys will be boys, but I prefer to meet honest people (preferably 16 or older) who at least know something about flash or audio programs.

When I talked about this topic on youtube (in a bulletin), the 2 main answers here were:

1. I did it to watch/ upload adult videos.
2. I did it to keep away from pedophiles/ stalkers/ bullies.

in conclusion I realized that the whole thing is a double edged sword:
If you tell the truth--you gain friends, yet possibly get stalked/bullied by unknown users.
If you fake your age--you lose bullies/stalkers, yet lose somebody's trust by looking more like a noob.

Normally I encourage most of you guys to be honest and all, even though it's hard to do that when danger lurks almost everywhere these days.

But when it comes to Newgrounds, is it really necessary to pretend to be older? If you don't trust NG, you shouldn't be here in the first place...but that's just me.


Well that ypur opinion, i am not blaming this, but some people try to beware against WEIRD PLEOPLE out of them, because if you take for explamte, some guy is 11, and a WEIRD adult is going to say that also is 11, yeah, they meet and someone is stolen, that is to give bad reputation to the internet, and tthat kind of things, but just my opinio
- Jonathan (Xradical)

You know Kids do have feelings instead of calling them underage noobs could you call them something nicer >:O!!!.But besides that Some people want o work with flash anamation so bad that they lie? i guess thats it...


Victor(YES THIS IS MY REAL NAME) redukuma

Well, as harsh as the term may sound to some people these days, it's the only way to categorize new and clueless users in the web. What can you expect from the internet these days?

Let's say you were in my shoes for a moment: would you hire an experienced VA to help you out in a flash or an underage kid who doesn't know how to voice act?

I'm only saying this because it's the truth, not to offend of course.

So true my friend.
Im only 15, but i sometimes put N/A at some sites because i rather only say my age or something like it against people wich ive met before.

But thats just my way of doing things.


i just lie my age to see p*rn lol, anyways i would not be so angry if someone lied his/her age to me lol

if someone is going to the trouble of stalking kids, they might as well look at other sites that they post on. if there is any connection between avatars/profiles then equal care must be taken on all of them.

ohhh Hmm Thats true though i see your view

I'm 13 but i think my profile says i'm 14, because i couldn't be a member if i didn't lie about my age. :/

i'm a good boy i said i was 13 and i am :3

by the way, do u have any idea when will legend of zelda misadventures 5 come out? if u know.

I have to agree with Xradical. Even though some kids say there older to do something like see more mature content or to pass the age limit required to join the site, some adults say that THEY are younger to talk to kids for their own personal gain.

But one thing I gotta say, how could an 11 year old meet up with somebody else? I mean I know it's probably happened and isn't impossible, but if something like that happens, it's as much the parents fault as the stalker. I mean they should know about what's going on to an 11 year old on the web. Especially when some pedophile is telling him to meet up with him somewhere!

But yeh, it is annoying when people fake their age. I know it has nothing to do with me, yet for some reason it just makes me think "What the heck is that person thinking?" However, there might just be an 11 year old who knows more about flash than you Victor, so just keep that in mind.

Other than that, keep up the good work. Looking forward to LOZM 5. Good Luck!

It is kinda anoying. If you don't want anyone to know your age on NewGrounds then don't put it there.

well there is no shame in being 12 and being in NG.It didnt ask me for my age so im good
pd there seriously isnt =3

good point, they dont have certain ages on the age list. I my age closer to actual.

I just don't list mine. That way, I avoid the stalkers, and don't fave to worry about assosiates. And if anyone asks to meet you in person, TURN THEM DOWN!! Unless of course you are an adult an know what you're getting into.

well..u can never be to safe....

I entirely agree. however, i am one of these ppl. sry. just did it cuz i can. and cuz my mom would yell at me if she knew i was posting my real age XP but oh well cant change the past call me a noob all u want idk if i can change it or not. cant say id be peeved at other ppl for doing so cuz if i wuz a parent i wouldnt want my kid telling ppl that hes a little 12 yr old posting on mature content.

ok im really 13 but i look 12 lol im a good spriter may be voice acter (my best friend says im good) but no flash

Good point. Love the misadventures by the way and I tottally agree with you. I my self like an honest person in life. Everyone lies yes but I personaly dont think you should do it on Newgrounds. Like you said: If you cant trust newgrounds then dont come here.

I fake my age to reduce chances of being raped by a pedophile and so people don't think themselves better than me because I am younger.