Greetings World. We are Synonymous.
you can also visit me on Twitter: @victorfioriHD. Some of my popular flashes are now available on I'm also on Patreon! Enjoy Ep. 11
Ep.12 coming soon.
Age 40, Male
Telecom Engineer
Caracas, Venezuela
Joined on 1/9/03
:D Yayz
is synonymous even a word? Also, what are those Dark Links trying to pull here? That we won't notice them with those Masks of Truth on? EPIC FAIL DARK LINKS!!! Also, horray!!! Can't wait for FSM 8 to come out!
The truth will set you free!
P.S. the other series I've been keeping up with on NG both quit, so it's quite a relief that this is still in the making. :-D
Also, @ Malcman, synonymous means that they are or mean the exact same (i.e. words like get and receive, or destroyed and decimated, are synonymous). In this case he's referring to the Dark Links all looking the exact same.
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why this image scare me a little bit?
Bring it Biach for we are LEGION!
well, thanks for telling me what synonymous means, but I also is the Real Dark Link coping with that Deku Stick sticking out of his ass......I guess Blue Link was right, I guess that makes him the new Pedistal of Time
is this an April Fools joke?
@jack92790 <a href=""> l-sports/39641d1331573902-2012-formula-1-world -championship-you_dont_say.jpg</a>
Dark Link's of a masquerade? Wow...I'm waiting for Phantom of the Opera to start playing in the background...
We are gonna need a lot of gossip stones
@Osuka Actually, I did and I was curious and wondering is all.
@Osuka So, thanks alot. dickweed.
Awesome, I just can't wait!