Hi, sorry for being AWOL for a while. Apart from my country's current situation, I should inform that I found a new job recently that's been keeping me busy recently and I have been cautious in the streets with the current events going around and all.
Also, on another note, I've been having computer issues 3 weeks ago. Surprisingly, both my Mac and Laptop failed on me on the same day which left me incummunicated for quite a while. To get an idea, my iMac Aluminum has been having trouble booting up, even on safe mode. Once it starts up, it shuts down immediately after. I sent it to the shop recently do se if I can recover my data and fix the issue. So for those who never used a mac before, they crash too. Any computer does eventually. As for my laptop, a Dell Inspiron 710m which I had for 8 years, has been crashing a lot with constant blue screen errors. It's gotten to a point that not even the taskbar appears on the screen. curiously this all happened days after Windows stopped supporting XP updates (I have XP SP3). Thankfully I was able to recover most of my data in an external hard drive. I hope to find a way to fix the hardware and software issues with this one.
In short I had no choice but to get a new laptop, an Acer Emachine E625 with Windows 7, and while it works well for the most part, it oddly feels inferior to my Dell. Maybe it requires Ram Expansion, Don't know really. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
So, due to the current issues, any project I had pending would temporarily be on hold. I do plan on making four swords 10 and other projects but with my new job, it will get tricky to find the time for it.
Also, I should point out that Osuka is still having Internet related issues and is still looking for a new internet provider to contiue working on his projects again. This has put his projects to a near halt the last 8 months or so and he's trying to get out of this mess.
Yeah, thigs have gotten really shitty for us for some reaon...oh well. We will get out of this somehow.
Man, that's rough! Big fan of FSM, Wish you luck and sorry about the computer troubles! x_x