I think they are but i dont mind if its a sprite movie as longs as its good humor like your 4 sword misadventure series there hilarious
you can also visit me on Twitter: @victorfioriHD. Some of my popular flashes are now available on youtube.com/@VicHD. I'm also on Patreon! Enjoy Ep. 11
Ep.12 coming soon.
Age 40, Male
Telecom Engineer
Caracas, Venezuela
Joined on 1/9/03
I think they are but i dont mind if its a sprite movie as longs as its good humor like your 4 sword misadventure series there hilarious
Dude, I don't know what's wrong with people, but Sprites movies are the best, just check out the some of the flashers that used sprites and got a reputation. You, Kirbopher, Alvin_Earthworm and more.
Sprite Flash are the best.
"but I don't think you want it to die out. "
Yes, I do want it to die out. I hate crap like "Phoenix Wrong", "Mario DBZ or whatever". Sadly it probably never will.
I agree. As I told to titrotu before, the weakness in sprite tv 3 wasnt the spirtes, it was the lack of originality.
kirby joke, kirby joke, kirby joke.mario joke. and ALL of them had been seen before.
not to mention the bohemian rhapsody scene taht didnt lipsinch in the first place.
Sprite tv 3 wasnt as awesome as I would have liked, because people cant think outside the box.
Facil y sencillo. La gente se paso haciendo sprites movies sin el esfuerzo que requiere apoyar a que no usaron su propio arte y la gente empezo a odiar incluyendome a mi, porque daban pena verlas. No ofensa, pero varias bastantes del Sprite TV 3 se incluyen en este montón, incluso ni molestarse a poner los sprites de imagenes en PNG para no perder calidad, eso es inperdonable. En fin, el problema es, la gente abuso intentando ser popular haciendo autenticas mierdas sobretodo con Mario, el odio se altero, la gente se movio, las animaciones se blamearon y ya no hay casi buenos sprite flash artists por la casusa que no se suben apenas. Fin y mas que fin.
yeah i didn't like STV3 that much either. then again i never realy liked the series in the first place. welp.
like that one guy said earlier, sprite movies are basically low at the moment because the bigger and better (arguably) sprite flashers are gone and it's mostly shit at the moment. i think there's only about two sprite movies i enjoyed in the past year or so.
"making a sprite movie that even Rtil will enjoy."
this is never gonna happen man, sorry.
i think that most of the flash artist use sprites because is a easy way to do a animation, and they dont think in the main theme on the cartoon
honestly, i laugh 10 times more in the MK mishaps than MK outakes, is the same sprites, but the theme on the cartoon is totally different, thats why mishaps is funnier than outakes.
That's because with drawing, you can draw any certain thing like a weird-looking face, a dumb cow, or some bullshit. With sprites, it's just Nintendo characters and written jokes. With Egoraptor, he makes fun of video games. You can't make fun of video games any more than the last guy with sprites, because if you look at Awesome Center Redux, he draws ridiculous faces and beams that you can't do with sprites. The most you can do with sprites anyway is draw ON them, and since they're so small, it'll look like shit.
I agree, we spriters need to be original instead of using the same stuff over and over.
I'll try to be the most original possible in my next sprite movie adn see what happens...
I think that the people who traverse Newgrounds are now jaded by beautiful animation, and turn up their nose to anything that's not ultra-realistic. I like sprite movies, even though Sprite TV 3 was not as good as the first two.
I look forward to the next 4 swords episode!
In all honesty sprite animations can be as origional as anything else, for example look at the Sprite TV series, comedic set ups using characters we all know and love. Even Alvin who is a sprite wizard (all hail) created somthing great with the SMBZ setup even though it is a refrence to DBZ cell saga, but still enjoyable. However, there are other sprites outthere that noone really uses, like Bubsy bobcat, Areo the Acrobat, Echo the Dolphin, and other less popular characters. Honestly if i saw a sprite movie about Greendog the beached surfer dude, i would be happy.
Basically look at a sprite flash as a memorial to our olden days when they were the best games out there, a tribute to the era in which video games came back from the brink of death. dont knock them all just because people rip off of others. Think about it, they do that kind of thing all the time on TV with spin off shows, yea those are origional. All in all to say that they all suck is wrong, to say that they are all not origional is wrong. Just step back and enjoy it as someones hard work to make somthing we can watch.
yeah, i mean, i see on flash submissions "warning: contains sprites"
with original content, comes great entertainment
You got a nice point... however, all types of flashes has their haters... Sprite originality and the use of sprites is also a problem (not in my opinion tho) since sprites is the lvl 2 of difficulty in a flash, sprite+unoriginality=Fail.... The originality is a good score boost, if a sprite flash lacks originality, its doomed...
However, as I said, EVERY type of flash has 1, 2, or 50 haters!
Man, even the GREAT AWESOME collection has a lot of haters... We just need to ignore them, Or just improve our skills...
A stick movie is the 1st lvl of difficulty and man, many haters, but there are many good stick flashes..
Drawn Motion tween is the 3rd, It has a lot of haters, but they are pretty passable.
FBF is the top difficulty, its pretty difficult for it to get blammed, but still, there are a lot of haters...
So, ALL OF THE FALSHES has haters; the principal reason of sprite hate is the unoriginality (damn what a long word)
rock on dude.
p.s. your the best sprite movie macker ever and i will never get bored with your videos
I truly believe most of the bad sprite animations are because the authors themselves are too lazy. That's when they have stuff like text talking that takes up around half the movie and the action that runs at 12 fps. I'm also kinda getting sick of people that parody a game and use the game's sprites too. Unless it feels like it's necessary, but most times it's because they just don't want to draw the stuff.
Sprites as a whole are on a decline. I haven't seen a decently popular NEW sprite comic in a long-long time.
Amen dude. Have you read my review for Sprite TV 3?
Yeah, I read it. Though some ideas were alright, I admit that the other gags got a little stale.
Originality is important, but that's kinda hard. The reason being, is that many jokes have already been used, so it's hard to make up a new joke.
I know there are people who hate sprites beacuse it's stolen, it's isn't original, whatever. There's really nothing you can do about that.
The reason you guys hate sprites is 'cause it seems too easy. Working with sprites may be easy, but it still takes hard work.
I'm working on sprites myself right now.
Because I've been inspired by sprite animators here on Newgrounds! ^^
I havent seen a well made sprite movie since Mario Reloaded.
Sprite animation is declining because sprite animation is an artform that is already bereft of originality from its starting point and then the retards who make sprite animations only compact that failure into a high density failure that could destroy small planets.
It just chokes me up to hear such awful news. Even though it's not true at all. Sniff sniff boo hoo.