Man what we are missing is that they decide to ban animes......I SWEAR IF THEY FUCKING DO THAT ILL BURN EVERY ONE OF THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS TO ASHES, YOU....DON´T....FUCK...WITH...ANIME WITH ME¡¡ X(
you can also visit me on Twitter: @victorfioriHD. Some of my popular flashes are now available on I'm also on Patreon! Enjoy Ep. 11
Ep.12 coming soon.
Age 40, Male
Telecom Engineer
Caracas, Venezuela
Joined on 1/9/03
Man what we are missing is that they decide to ban animes......I SWEAR IF THEY FUCKING DO THAT ILL BURN EVERY ONE OF THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS TO ASHES, YOU....DON´T....FUCK...WITH...ANIME WITH ME¡¡ X(
Whats the world coming to when people are banning violent video games when they should be banning i don't know war! I really feel bad for you I know it would suck if Canada had that happen especially since i love playing Zelda which has violence in it.
Sadly even Zelda has been banned. I even asked in a few local stores. :(
dude that sucks I'm not a violent person or a swearing person but KILL DOES FUCKING BASTARDS
I Agree with your headling, that is BULL$&^%!!!!
Violence has always existed looooooong before video games.
Ouch, that really sucks. Leave it to a politician to "protect" us from violent media. Heck, why don't we ban kittens 'cause they can scratch us!! :O
But joking aside, something tells me that this law will be repealed, just like the "Volstead Act", or the Prohibition. Who knows?
Dude, try living in the bullshit that is Australia. We don't even have an R18+ rating. Which means that any of said games have been refused classification and thus can't be sold here. Granted, stuff like GTA still gets through as MA15+, and granted, that's the sort of game that you're talking about, but the point I'm trying to get across is that all politicians are just doing whatever they think is what will make parents vote for them without really thinking. Hell, it's been proven that GTA games don't teach you jack shit about killing, all they do is teach you how to BE KILLED/MUGGED (there have been two known incidents that news sources have conveniently pointed out that one of the teenagers involved played games like GTA, but later on when it's no longer big news, it's revealed that the kid that did so was the one who got killed, and that the one who did the killing was a tennis fan or whatever). It's bullshit, I know, but the only thing we can do to stop it is run for parliament ourselves, and frankly, who would vote for us? We're young, and people instantly distrust us compared to the old people who know how to run proper smear campaigns against us. Like the current big politician in Australia who's blocking games (FUCK YOU MICHAEL ATKINSON! FUCK YOU! I'LL DROP YOUR NAME EVERYWHERE IF IT RAISES THE WORLDS AWARENESS OF YOUR CHEATING, LYING, BLACKMAILING, BRIBING, BULLSHITING ASSHATTERY!) is doing to one of the parties opposing him for his parliamentary seat right now. One of them is for the 'Gamers for Croyden' party, that they started and seems to have a good following, thank god, and another is a party made of outlaw bikie gangs. Guess which one he is running a smear campaign against, says he thinks is more dangerous than the other and that he thinks is more likely to kill him and his entire family than the other, and claims to have received death threats from? Oh, and he also thinks they are cancer of the world? I'll give you a hint, IT AIN'T THE FUCKING BIKIES!
Sorry for the profanity, but I thought you would like to know that you're not the only one, and from the look of the legislation, you can still get stuff over the net and no one will get in trouble, whereas here, we'll still get sent to jail.
jajaja dimelo a mi yo soy de venezuela y por culpa del burro anormal que tenemos por presidenteeste pais se vaa ir a la mierda pronto ya tu vas a ver, no hay nada mas feroz que una turda enardecida de adolecentes adictos a los videojuegos, que les van a hacer dispararles e ir en contra de su supuesto movimiento antiviolencia?
Yeah, but dont think its gonna be always sunshine and lollipops in the US. Sure there's only a no AO game limit but I've heard some dark clouds on the horizon. The storm won't happen soon, but it will happen eventually even here, taxes for the reason it was banned in your country. When games become downloadable people are worried that tricks might get pulled on them, and that copyright infrigement laws may go to far. The only real worry that might happen soon is the taxing because its been mentioned every now and then. But when they ban the internet that crossing MILES over the line. I heard this stuff from October's 2009 GameInformer mag.
To be honest, something that has been forgotten for the past I dunno 3 generatations or more is that the government is meant to serve the PEOPLE not the other way around, the government is the ultimate servant, if the people want a certain law lifted then they do it. They only do not have to do that if lifting the law would be morally wrong like murder or is needed to keep the country going. Again in honesty I dont know what happened to the past but remember that most of the "new world" revolted against the old rule. Now Im not saying that you guys should make a revolution over this law (because that would make you more stupid than the actual government) but there is a way to stop it, peacefully.
What I think would be a more or less perfect government is one where everyone votes on the decisions made, for example everyone would be required to make an account on the governments website by going to some building, give the people your ID and e-mail, and on the website would be polls for more or less ever decision the government makes. Whether or not the government makes the action depends on what the majority of the population wants AND they cant do anything if only 1000 out of 100000000 people voted, because thats not a majority. The only power the government actually would have would be little things like maybe trade, how to mobilize military in the domestic country, calling for laws to be made that would be decided by the people, etc. Also the people in charge of government can only make their own decisions if it is truly a choice that they have to make that very second or something that they TRULY believe is right in which case they can get it done with a vote of 50% instead of <51%, or they can get biblical backup. In this government type the people would have to get real smart real fast because if they mess up then they can only blame themselves and thhus general intelligence for that country will rise.
Thats about it.
I agree that this is nonsense. However, I am POSITIVE that gun control is NOT the answer. The last century has proven that without an armed populace, crime rates explode, and more often than not the state becomes an oppressive and unchallenged ruler.
Only law-abiding citizens follow a country's laws, criminals don't and NEVER turn in their weapons. Why others can't see this basic fact, I can't say. The UK crime rates exploded when they banned firearms. Surprise surprise, criminals don't obey the law, and now can mug people, homes, and businesses without fear of being shot themselves. Since they didn't learn the obvious lesson, the UK then started making even more idiotic weapon bans, this time with knives. Again, the crime has not lessened in the slightest. What's next, blunt objects? CRIMINALS DON'T TURN IN WEAPONS, YOU MORONS!
Here in the United States, in most cities with strict gun control laws, you're almost certain to find high crime rates. Chicago has been making more and more weapon bans and rules over the last decade, only to find out that the crime rates are going up. And the idiot politicians still haven't figured it out now. If you disarm law-abiding citizens, you make them all potential victims. You empower violent criminals and take away their fear of getting shot themselves.
A weapon is merely a tool, something used to do it's owner's own bidding. Violent criminals are the real problem, not the tools they use.
ur kidding!!!!! that is bullshit!!!! bloody hell move here were i am in australia! best country evar!
if they ban mario the ban zelda aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggg
WAIT. only the selling is illegal Correct? That means they can be bartered or given as gifts I think. perhaps you could move to... I don't know America Europe Japan or someplace. besides you are completely correct. Video games don't kill anybody.
You should start a revolution and remake the government to undo this atrocity. or petition it.\
Either way you have my sympathy.
ya Dude I hear ya here in Brazil they tried to ban Bully for the ps2 because it was "Too violent". I guess no one ever heard about God of war LOL
Anyway... This is like u said BULLSHIT there is no point in banning a game just because it's violent.
You poor guy... i feel your pain :(
That Sucks !!!!!!!!
Yea that's pretty outrageous dude. It is my belief that no one form of entertainment is the cause of any country's violent citizens. It is a mixture of things like this, but in the end it just boils down to the individual's choices.
That's just pure crap. I mean really. LIke you said, killing one source isn't going to stop the violence. And honestly, it's not video game's fault completely. It's also the fault of parents and idiots who allow themselves or their children to have their lives taken over by this. I mean, you go play Call of Duty and then start shooting people thinking they're terrorists. That's not the game's fault. That's YOUR FAULT! YOU bought the game! YOU allowed it to control you. If you do this, then there's nothing to blame but YOURSELF for being taken over. So come on, put some sense.
In other news, this is why I love Canada, my country and basically videogamer's heaven. We censor NO game.
Ouch! Ok Im with you on this! Video Games Only makes people Violent Because those people have some kinda mental disability and they think Life is a video Game (no offense to anyone that has a mental Disability). Video Games have accually been discovered as Eduaction at some points. Yes they are a bit violent, but life as we know it is a Dangerous and Violent place. I know what im talking about cause i did a report about Violent Video Games and Found that its only the persons fault for there actions after playing those kinda games. Idk exactly about the laws down there since i live in North america, but if writing patietions and outlawing the law is possible, You'll definetly Unban this messed up law.
NO OFFENCE but your government are full of IDOITS
None taken. I'm aware of that.
Man you are right ....THIS IS BULL-SHIT.....videogames are not to fault that violence exist just what the fuck is the government thinking, violence and crime is made by the people, not by video games , also violence is something that grows on people not created and it also depends on the people who play them some people who don´t have a certain degree of education and do stupid shit give video games a bad name ......GOD... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THE GOVERNMENT....FUCK¡¡¡¡
-make videogames, not war. lol
anyway gusfrava.,....good luck with that¡
phoenix out¡