I've noticed over the years that are two notable types of critics these days in and out of NG: the ones who enjoy someone's work for what it is and the ones who are aggressively constructive critics. I had may share of both.
But I must ask one thing. How Nit-picky can you get, people? There's always some A-hole that points out an imperfection no matter how big or small it is. I don't mind it every now and then,I do it too, but often it gets annoying when you're trying to please a specific audience.
When it comes to a person's work, critics would complain about stuff like for example the animation qualiy, the sound quality, spelling mistakes (damn you grammar Nazis!) audio & video editing and even the main plot. Why do people insist in searching for imperfections all the time?
People,we're humans! We make mistakes! It's part of our nature! We're not robots. Why do we strive for perfection all the time? Nobody's perfect in everything unless you're God and even he has imperfections, depending on how you look at it of course.
I understand that's the purpose of a critic, but do they really have to dig that deep just because something isn't to their liking? What ever happened to suspension of disbelief? Come to think of it, I'm being nit-picky myself just mentioning this stuff.
Do you go overboard as a nit-picky critic or do you prefer to accept things the way an author intended it to be? This question is simply out of curiosity of course.
What do you guys think?
It depends on what I think of the submission compared to the score. I'm not above being a massive Brackenwood fanboy, but if Egofucktard's latest defecation has a 4.6 when I feel that it should go a Hell of a lot lower, I can get nitpicky. And every time I deliver a low review (which I rarely do anymore, due to laziness), I make sure to hit a bit harder while still being as helpful as possible. Everyone should nitpick if they think a movie is overrated, though for a normal author it's usually too harsh of criticism.